Diversity & Inclusion

Fundamental way of thinking

DISCO's fundamental way of thinking about diversity is stipulated in DISCO VALUES Management Guidelines, and states that "DISCO does not discriminate or evaluate employees based on personal attributes such as biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, nationality, race, religion, or educational background." The original statement established in 2002, "When evaluating an employee, DISCO does not consider personal attributions such as gender, age, nationality, race, religion or educational background," was later revised in 2022 in accordance with the changing society and necessity to do so. In addition, one of the ideal states that DISCO wishes to achieve by 2030 is "To have a corporate culture in which diversity is mutually recognized and incorporated" as stipulated in DISCO VISION 2030. In order to achieve this state, the company has set a tracking index of "100% attendance in company education seminars regarding diversity," and it is mandatory for all employees of the DISCO Group (full-time employees, specified-task employees, dispatch employees, incoming transfer employees, etc.) to take a diversity education seminar once a year. The Employee Satisfaction (ES) survey also has multiple questions regarding diversity, such as whether the employee is experiencing discrimination because of gender, age, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc., and these are answered using a 1-to-5 rating scale, upon which the total results are reported to the ES Committee made up of Executive Officers.

■Chart ES (Employee Satisfaction) survey total results (FY 2023)
The ratio of affirmative answers for each question regarding diversity is as below.

Providing Opportunities for Post-Retirement Reemployment

Personnel with extensive experience and technical skills are invaluable to DISCO. Therefore, DISCO has established a reemployment system for employees over the retirement age of 60 who are healthy and wish to continue working.
As an opportunity for employees to think about their post-retirement plans, DISCO provides life plan seminars for employees at the ages of 55 and 58. These seminars provide not only a detailed explanation of the reemployment system, including procedures and work conditions, but also of pension and other support measures available to those who retire upon reaching retirement age.

Hiring People with Disabilities

DISCO actively hires people with disabilities from employment support centers for persons with disabilities, special education schools, etc.
At Hiroshima Works, DISCO introduced a unique system in fiscal year 2010 to support employees with disabilities. Through this system, DISCO has created an environment in which employees with disabilities can take part in production at DISCO, assisted by support measures such as tools that can be used with one hand and automated equipment that can be used with just the push of a button. In addition, DISCO provides support for participation in the Abilympics (competition for people with disabilities featuring contests based on everyday vocational skills) and the Special Olympics (program for people with intellectual disabilities featuring various sports training opportunities and competitions based on Olympic sports), operates a specially prepared bus for commuting, and offers vocational experiences to students from special education schools.

Assessment System

DISCO believes that the responsibilities and goals expected of employees should be clear and that salaries should be allocated based on impartial assessment acceptable to the person involved and reflecting their abilities and experience.
To make this a reality, the company has established several career tracks with clearly outlined qualifications and roles.

Gender Diversity (Target Ratio of Female Managers)

DISCO's DISCO VALUES states that, "When evaluating an employee, DISCO does not consider personal attributions such as gender, age, nationality, race, religion or educational background," and DISCO values fairness in promotion to management positions and core personnel. In addition, in terms of diversity, we intend to raise the ratio of female managers in the entire DISCO group including domestic and international offices to 17.4% by the end of FY 2030. This target value was set based on the following factors:
- The youngest age among managerial track employees in management positions was identified as of the end of September 2021.
- The ratio of women managerial track employees who are over the above age was set as the target ratio for female managers.

Thinking about one's career at DISCO with experienced senior female employees
In order to make it easier for employees to flexibly handle changes in their life and career path, DISCO carries out seminars comprised of explanations regarding career-related unconscious biases, career introductions and talk sessions from senior employees, and more.

Program for Switching Career Tracks

When an employee first enters the company, they are assigned to the “managerial track,” “technical track,” or “clerical track” based on compatibility, but sometimes they may decide that they would like to switch to a different track at a later date to better reflect their career and life plans. In response to these needs, DISCO has established a “Program for Switching Career Tracks,” which allows employees the flexibility to change their track so that they can find motivation in their work and choose a work style that suits them.

Freedom to Transfer and Internal Recruitment System

At DISCO, employees have the freedom to transfer between departments at their discretion. This freedom is based on the idea that "employees are able to put forth their best effort if they are doing tasks of their choosing within the department of their choosing, which leads to optimal allocation of human resources within the company as a whole.”
To further reinforce this freedom, DISCO has established the internal recruitment program, through which departments looking for new personnel can internally post openings, listing the required experience, skills, and other conditions.
If the employee and their chosen department both agree, the employee is able to transfer to that department, and their current department is not permitted to obstruct the transfer.
In addition, because the Will accounting system facilitates awareness about the effect new personnel may have on department profitability, departments accept new transfers only after serious consideration regarding whether the employee will be a good match.
This system enables not only employee self-fulfillment but also the construction of an even more productive work environment with more even resource distribution and less allocation mismatch within the company as a whole.

Global Challenge System

This system supports employees who wish to work overseas. Through this system, whenever there is a need for human resources at an overseas affiliate, candidates are recruited from within the company.

Flexible Choice of Work Location

This system allows employees to transfer to another office location that better fits their own lifestyle, life stage, and career plan while also preserving their current department affiliation. Through this system, employees are empowered to realize a work style of their choosing, which connects to increased motivation.

Employee Association

The Employee Association is an organization that aims to cultivate a positive relationship between employees and the company in order to promote mutual growth, with representatives selected from among employees. Every year, the Employee Association holds regular meetings after gathering opinions and requests regarding personnel systems, including salary increases, benefit programs, and occupational safety and health, and then holds dialogues with management. In addition, the Employee Association plans and carries out various events to improve the “Quality of Relationships” among employees.
Since 2020, the event style has been changed to online events, and activities have been continuing. In 2022, the Employee Association organized events with the goal of strengthening the friendship between employees such as online get-togethers and games with over 4,549 employees participating in them.
